There is nothing more frustrating than seeing a great team member promoted for their outstanding technical skills but fail to develop their interpersonal skills and underperform in their new role.


We see it every day.


Sometimes it presents itself in different formats, it’s a promotion that isn’t working out, it’s a change in the work role that just isn’t embraced, it’s someone who, on paper, has all the qualification to move to the next level but just hasn’t got the right skills.

The ‘Peter Principle’ talks about promoting people to one level above their competence and its our belief the missing piece, 99% of the time, is their growth in people and leadership skills and their inability to adapt to the new environment.

Ironically, many of the outstanding skills that make that employee so good at their technical job, are the very skills, when applied in a behavioural environment, that lets them down or hold them back.

As we climb the organisational tree our need to use technical skills diminish as our need to behaviour skills grows.

In many cases people and the business fail to focus on developing behavioural skills and this is where coaching is invaluable.  The skills shift is usually unique, specific and needs to become competency not just knowledge.  Developing new competencies rarely happens from classroom training, transforming behaviour is personally and very risky for most people, after all they are behaving the way they do because at some level it works for them (even if it is based on untested assumptions) and change needs focused support and development.

Transformation also requires the support of the business and this is where Career Life Transitions see the rubber hit the road.  Transformation change in behaviours and interpersonal competencies requires a broad range of support based on clear goals and expectations.


Coaching works, and with the right coach and right organisational support, can propel your high performers to the next level.


To speak to one of our professional career coaches, please contact us on or (08) 6336 8620.